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  4. We have reopened again the Top 15 Winners of August 2024 :- 1- Cretu 2- X-GhI1AsX-X 3- Sfa7_Gamer we have changed the prizes for top 15:- Rank 1 - 30 days vip full access - 5000 points Rank 2 - 14 days vip full access - 3000 points Rank 3 - 7 days vip full acess - 1000 points
  6. Nume (Pe server):robynet Varsta (Minim 14 ani):15 Ore pe server (link gametracker, minim 20 de ore):campania de admini free inca e deschisa Ce limbi stii? (RO - Romana | ENG - Engleza):Ro, si 50% eng Spre exemplu, daca eu stiu doar romana, voi scrie 'RO', daca stiu doar engleza, voi scrie 'ENG', daca stiu ambele limbi voi scrie 'RO + ENG' De ce doresti sa faci parte din staff-ul nostru?:Pentru ca server-ul are nevoie de admini si eu imi doresc acest lucru Alege perioada de timp in care poti fii activ ( ZI - Tura de zi | NOAPTE - Tura de noapte):si zi si noapte Spre exemplu, daca eu pot fii activ doar noaptea (20:00 - 8:00), voi scrie 'NOAPTE', daca voi putea fii activ doar ziua (8:00 - 20:00) voi scrie 'ZI', daca pot oricand voi scrie 'ZI + NOAPTE'
  7. ¤ Nick: Neuvillette ¤ Age: 19 ¤ Languages spoken: English, Urdu ¤ Your location: Pakistan ¤ Experience as admin: 100% ¤ Join Discord Group (Mandatory): https://discord.com/invite/xT8NEYtumG Done. ¤ Do you use Teamspeak3?: Yes. ¤ Activity schedule: 8-12 PM, 12-3 PM ¤ Hours played (click here? https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ (I don't have much hours. But will If I get accepted. I applied because I wanted to try my luck. My old nickname is Fang Yuan. ¤ Did you read the rules: Good Game ! //I actually did read the rules. ¤ Vote the community TeamSpeak server: Apasa aici pentru a vota Done. ¤ Reply to the topic below with the vote number: 2644
  8. Nick: death ¤ Age: 19 ¤ Languages spoken: English / arabic ¤ Your location: tunisia ¤ Experience as admin: 2months ¤ Join Discord Group (Mandatory): ¤ Do you use Teamspeak3?: yes ¤ Activity schedule: 24/7 ¤ Hours played (click here? Never checked <a hre https://www.gametracker.com/player/death/ ¤ Did you read the rules: yes
  9. Earlier
  10. Topg.org - Votat dixrix.net- Votat Gamemonitoring.net -Votat omega-boost.ro - Votat
  11. *Topic title should be "Tag request name" - Nickname: - Desired tag: - Did you read the rules?: -NEED TO KNOW -You need 15h minimum activity -You have to read the rules
  12. Name: Nickname: Levels: IP: SteamID: Name of the person who banned you: Reason you were banned: Proof (picture/demo/video): Other mentions:
  13. Admin request model [1]. Name: [2]. Server Nick: [3]. Age: [4]. Levels: [5]. Hours played [6]. Have you read the rules?: [7]. Why do you want admin?: !!! Requirements you must fulfill to apply for admin: 1. You must have at least 30 hours played on the server. 2. The minimum age to be able to make an admin request is 16 years. - If you do not meet these conditions, the application will be REJECTED.
  14. *Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie "Cerere tag nume" - Nickname: - Tag dorit: - Ai citit regulamentul?: -Cerinte -Minim 15 ore -Regulament citit si respectat
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