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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/05/2024 in Posts

  1. Buna ziua, Exista un topic cu supervizorii si fondatorii server-ului, unii din ei nu au habar sa mai intre pe forum, ce facem in cazul acesta? Sedinta se face degeaba, vorbesc ceva, iar dupa fac altceva, se baneaza intr-una fara dovezi, fara banlist, eu de exemplu am o sarcina sa ma uit pe demo-uri, unde le vad, pe luna?! Unii n-au habar sa isi faca cont pe forum, e greu? Altii n-au postat in Banlist din Ianuarie, altii nu au deloc, altii au prea mult si tot nu primesc up-uri. Daca nu postez pe forum asta, unii nici nu ma baga-n seama, ori primesc "seen" ca la fraieri, ori ii ia in brate. Am un exemplu minunat de dat: Sofina, marele moderator, da kick-uri la playeri a-n pulea, un vot n-a dat pana acum, cand ii zici, dai vot, te pune pe tine, si sunt inca vreo 4-5 insi care au luat moderator si sunt doar cu numele! Cer reply-uri cat mai multe la cereri unban, reclamatii si admin si degeaba, le scriu pe ts, vedeti ca aveti cereri pe forum, seen total, adica va doare-n pula de server, mai pe romaneste, de ce mai raman admini ? ramaneti fratilor cu vip si gata. Cand cereti tag ramaneti pe acelas server si jucati nu jucati pe alte 100. Majoritatea vipurilor sunt si pe alte servere si cred ca se stie ce server in principiu, nu e greu sa dai dublu click pe teamspeak3 sa fii si pe mut, macar. Atata cer membrii administrativi de la voi. Cand se intra pe server se intra si pe ts ( Obligatoriu) ! Si sa nu uitam, cine are VIP aici, ar trebui sa joace numai aici, avem exemple : beta, moon, care sunt la altii pe server si au vip si acolo chiar si admin. Curatenie generala in lista vip-urilor cat si adminilor, -1 -2 / remove-uri ca si asa se abuzeaza prea mult de la vip + adminii care nu isi fac treaba deloc . Daca gresesc astept reply-uri cat mai multe din partea tututor ADMINILOR, nu vip-urilor, ca aia nu fac parte din STAFF! Ne putem tine de promisiuni ca intram pe forum si postam zi de zi, ori ne bagam _)_ si ramanem vipuri?!
    4 points
  2. REGULAMENT JUCATORI Utilizarea oricarui tip de coduri , sau buguri gasite pe server folosite se pedepseste cu Ban Permanent Pe server trebuie pastrat un limbaj adecvat(RESPECTA SI VEI FI RESPACTAT) Este FREE GAME ! Dar T au obligata sa planteze Bomba, iar CT Defuse sau sa salveze ostatecii.(SLAY) STAFF-ul nu este responsabil de scam-ul facut intre voi jucatorii ! Orice trade / gift este facut pe propria voastra responsabilitate! Cine va fi prins ca incearca sa dea scam sau teapa altui jucatori / admin / v.i.p va fi sanctionat cu STERGEREA CONTULUI ! Daca individul respectiv este admin sau v.i.p si incearca sa dea teapa / scam, acestuia acestuia i se va scoate gradul + cont sters ! Va recomandam sa filmati atunci cand faceti trade cu cineva !(NU ACCEPTAM POZE) CODATII se raporteaza cu say_team ( U ) si se incepe mesajul cu @numele codatului.Abuzul de U@ se pedepseste cu BAN 10 minute ⭐REGULAMENT V.I.P⭐ Nu aveti voie sa va urcati pe textura(harta). La prima abatere primiti slay iar la a 2-a primiti REMOVE Daca sunteti prinsi jucand cu coduri, veti primi remove instant + ban permanent REGULAMENT ADMINI Din acest moment se vor aplica warn-uri, la 3 warn-uri primite adminul respectiv fa primi -1 grad/remove Adminul are indatorirea de a pastra buna functionare a serverului si respectarea regulilor. Pe langa acestea, pot aparea si privilegii. Nu se folosesc comenzi asupra unui jucator fara un motiv bine intemeiat, iar inainte de a da ban pentru cod adminul trebuie sa fie sigur ca acel jucator chiar are cod si sa aiba dovezi(demo) +1 WARN Cand faceti demo, filmati maxim 5 runde sau maxim 2 - 3 minute ! Daca prezentati un demo de o runda sau de 30 de secunde , nu se va lua in considerare Adminii sunt obligati sa se alature pe serverul de Discord (LINK) Adminii au oblicatie sa raspunda cu PRO sau CONTRA la cererele de admin.Au la dispozitie 24h Daca ai renuntat la grad si apoi vrei sa revii in Staff, vei incepe de la Helper, necontand ce grad ai fi avut! Toti adminii sunt obligati sa detina acelasi nume pe forum si discord pentru a se evita unele confuzii. La cererile unban, adminul responsabil trebuie sa justifice motivul banului, prezentand detalii, postand dovezile detinute.Adminul are la dispozitie 24h de a posta sau risca -1 grad Playerii afk primesc kick doar daca sunt 20+ playeri pe server. Adminilor le este interzis folosirea comenzilor pe un alt admin, se face record/demo si se posteaza pe forum(AICI) cu dovezi clare! Este INTERZIS schimbarea mapei dupa bunul plac! Mapa se schimba la sfarsit de runda! Toti adminii trebuie sa posteze banurile date pe forum in sectiunea CSGO| BanList(AICI) si trebuie sa fie insotite de dovada (poza/demo) Activitatea unui admin consta in: on pe server (joci, dar si te uiti pe suspecti)+activitatea pe forum(reply la cereri de admin/tag/unban) Atunci cand banati pe cineva, treceti un motiv cat mai clar (wall/aim/speed/limbaj etc.). Motiv (pa/bye/marsh/dispari) se sactioneaza cu -1 grad Problemele intre admini se rezolva pe discord cu FONDATORUL de fata. La persoanele straine ce nu inteleg limba engleza.NU le faceti POZE. Faceti un DEMO ! Orice cod se vede din demo! Adminul inferior in grad trebuie sa asculte de cei cu grad mai mare. In cazul in care ai probleme si vei lipsi de pe server ai obligatia sa anunti Fondatorul.(Discord rvv96) Daca doi sau mai multi admini se cearta, nu aveti voie sa interveniti. Faceti ScreenShot/demo si dati dovada la un FONDATOR. La nicknameuri obscene/vulgare etc. Adminul are obligatia de a va schimba numele in (ip-ul serverului) iar mai apoi sa da-ti kick cu motivul "schimba numele" . Adminii trebuie sa se respecte intre ei ! Nu conteaza ca are grad mai mare sau grad mai mic Daca un player/admin va facut reclamatie aveti 24h la dispozitie sa raspundeti la ea -1 grad Din acest moment WARGODS-UL este INTERZIS.(Doar FONDATORII au voie sa ceara WARGODS) Pentru a bana un player, vreau sa tineti cont care sunt prioritatile pe acest server: DEMO --> POZE .Cine mai cere WARGODS risca -1 grad. Daca suspectezi un admin ca foloseste coduri esti rugat sa-i faci demo si reclamatie AICI cu dovezile care le aveti! Daca ai citit pana aici, atunci la intrebarea "Ai citit regulamentul? vei raspunde cu "CSGO TOP:)" sau cererea va fi respinsa! Regulamentul este obligatoriu pentru orice player de pe serverul CSGO.WESTCSTRIKE.RO ! Nerespectarea lui inseamna ca-ti bati joc de munca FONDATORULUI si a celor care doresc ca acest server sa se transforme pe viitor intr-o comunitate! Nimeni nu este mai presus de regulament!
    4 points
  3. Sarcinile fondatorilor / supervisorilor sunt urmatoarele : ✮ Acestia trebuie sa verifice zilnic sectiunea Cereri Unban , sa verifice dovezile jucatorilor si sa decida daca acestia vor primi sau nu unban . ✮ Acestia trebuie sa mentina ordinea , atat pe server cat si pe forum / TeamSpeak . ✮ Acestia au obligatia de a verifica demo-urile sau pozele (ss) de la ceilalti admini . ✮ Sa raspunda de admini si sa rezolve problemele sau neintelegerile acestora . Fondatori : @dev. // @Cascadoru// @s7v3nWCS Supervisori : @BOMPA_KISS// @Jinn// @MOS-ENE// @TimBuS// @MadLad// @SICARIO91 // @sunrise ✮ Adminii au ce au nelamuriri in legatura cu anumite ban-uri / demo-uri / wg-uri / etc. pot apela direct la acestia . ✮ La randul lor Fondatorii / Supervisorii daca au nelamuriri sau decizii ce nu le pot lua singuri vor apela la Liderii serverului . ✮ Fondatorii / Supervisorii ce vor lua decizii ce vor fi contestate in final si rezultand a fi niste decizii luate fara argumente vor primi avertisment . # La 3 avertismente vor fi suspendati din gradul acestuia .
    4 points
  4. Sp1ritss

    Cerere Admin - Sp1rit

    1 - Nume : George 2 - Nick server : Sp1rt 3 - Varsta :16 4 - Ai intrat pe serverul nostru de discrod?( : Da 5 - Ai citit regulamentul (Cod secret) ? : CSGO TOP:) 6 - Steam ON/OFF ? : ON 7 - SteamID (gradele se dau doar pe SteamID,il puteti gasi in cosola tastind status) STEAM_0:0:655047558
    3 points
  5. Assos13

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    3 points

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    3 points
  7. Assos13

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    Voted our favorite server!
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. attacker!

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    3 points
  10. AKAFAP

    [ZM] Report Yick

    Yick, tu in momentul de fata nu ai cum sa dovedesti ca acel om are hack. Datoria ta ca si admin in astfel de momente e sa ti aduni dovezile necesare, si mai apoi sa actionezi. Judecatorul nu ti da 15 ani de inchisoare fara niste dovezi. O fi asta doar un joc, doar un srv, dar daca n ai observat se aplica cam aceleasi reguli ca si n realitate. Si faptul ca nu ai facut post pentru ca era primul tau ban... e fix o porcarie sincer. Pro si de la mine, pentru faptul ca n a postat ban-ul, si pt faptul ca nu a adunat dovezi. Ps: daca ai fi avut cateva filmari cu respectiva persoana si ai fi avut si banul postat, sunt sigur ca situatia ar fi stat altfel, mult mai bine pentru tine, chit ca avea hack sau nu;
    3 points
  11. Assos13

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    Voted !
    3 points
  12. Fang Yuan

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    3 points
  13. attacker!

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    3 points
  14. Buna, Se va lua in considerare aceasta propunere ce ai adus-o, cu siguranta ma voi ocupa eu personal de aceste aspecte, si de azi inainte vom face "militarie" daca cu vorba buna nu ne intelegem. De fiecare data am incercat sa fiu in primul rand OM cu voi, si nu Fondator sau sa imi dau grade in lumea virtuala, dar vad ca nu se poate cu vorba buna ( la unii ) si trebuie luat atitudine. Asadar, de acum cei ce nu respecta regulile impuse vor primi -1 pana cand vor ajunge la REMOVE fara a fi inforamati de acel -1/REMOVE ce il vor primi, nu cred ca este atat de greu sa va faceti treaba in asa fel incat sa nu afecteze serverul si sa puteti respecta niste reguli minime. La job-ul vostru tot asa procedati? Aveti un regulament si voi faceti tot de capul vostru ce vreti? Nu prea cred asta, oriunde in societatea asta sunt impuse niste reguli, pentru a nu fi ca in jungla si fiecare sa faca ce vrea el, de asta sunt inventate aceste reguli, ca sa fie respectate nu sa se incalce! V-am zis, de acum daca nu voi vedea o schimbare de la voi, vom schimba foaia, prima oara am sa va aduc la cunostinta eu personal aceste lucruri pe TS3 pentru cei ce nu au vazut aceasta postare ( fiind un ultim avertisment ) dupa care vom trece la fapte.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. AKAFAP

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Votat.
    2 points
  21. AKAFAP

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    2 points
  22. Assos13

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    2 points
  23. Votat.
    2 points
  24. Fang Yuan

    [ZM] Report Yick

    ¤ Your nickname: Fang Yuan ¤ Denounced admin: Yick ¤ Date and time: 8 PM ¤ Reason: I received private message in discord from a player named Exletare who was banned by an admin named "Yick". The player told me that he was as usual playing in the server when suddenly he was banned by an admin. This player Exletare, he is from Mexico and is playing for 1-2 months, all of us admins know that his ping is high and is always between 200-300. But Yick banned him without observing carefully. In my opinion, it's not a befitting action that an admin should do. No video, no banlist in the forum, ban someone just because his ping is high and give reason that he is using speedhack. We admins always record demo and post it in the banlist before banning someone permanantly. We observe the player, not recklessly take action. And this player said this also in our discord eng chat, and we know that there are many people in our group, so this action of this 'individual' admin really damages our reputation. He is also not in the admin chat, so that we can condemn him there, that's why I reported here becuase as an admin: 1) it should be your responsibility to join the staff group. 2) Make a banlist in the forum. 3) Record demos. 4) Observe carefully before banning someone permanantly. ¤ Proof (screenshot/demo)
    2 points
  25. MatriX 21

    [ZM] Report Yick

    I give pro for this I have also got message from And many times i saw targetting me and fang too...
    2 points
  26. Votat!
    2 points
  27. attacker!

    [ZM] Votati Serverul

    2 points
  28. Steam Free Games: 1) Free until 9 April (6 days remaining). 2) Free until 13 April (10 days remaining.) Epic Free Games: 1) Free until 4 April (1 day remaining.) 2) Free until 11 April (10 days remaining.) @Members Grab these while you can! Cine e interesat sa dea follow la topic sa primeasca notificare cand mai postez aici si sa nu mai dau tag tuturor ca poate deveni deranjant Follow the topic!
    2 points
  29. SERVER RULES Golden rules: Respect others in order to get respect from others Don't break the first rule We play for fun. _______ [1] Gag ? Players having a aggresive behavior and/or swearing. (3mins, next 6 and so on) ? Players that beg continuously for ammo. (3mins, next 6 and so on) [2] Slay ? Players that destroy other players lasermine. ? Zombies that hide or refuse to attack. Exception: Zombies are allowed to hide in Samurai mode ? Players using jetpack on survivor, nemesis or samurai mode. Flying is forbidden (announce them in chat, slap them and if they refuse to stop, slay them) ? Planting lasermine as a survivor is forbidden. (announce, slap, then slay if refusing to take the laser. ? Players buying more than one mod in the same round. Everyone can play just one mod and the ONLY scenario someone can play 2 mods is when he bought the FIRST and the second/third was from the server. (VERY IMPORTANT) [3] Ban ? Players using any type of hack must be banned permanently with proof (demo) and posted in the banlist ? Players swearing after 3 gags may receivce a short period ban (5 mins, 10mins up to 30 mins) ? Players insulting other player(s)/admin(s) family, other religion, races may receive long time ban or permanent. Depending on the insult the ban can be: a few days, a week, two weeks, permanent. ? Players reconnecting (retry) or moving to spec when they are the first zombie. [4] Slap ? Players stuck in different corners or places on the map may receive slap in order to get them back. If not possible slay to end the round faster. ? Zombies refusing to attack may receive slap (3-5-10 or whatever) followed by (zp_)freeze. If player in hide, slay may be applied ? Anyone breaking the rules may receive an warning, slaps, freeze, slay etc. Exception: hackers, players insulting religions, races etc may be punished without warning. Game mode rules. * As i have to say it again. Everyone have the right to play one mod per round. details can be found above, at the Slay section [1] Sniper ? It's forbidden to use the jetpack to fly and lasermine. ? The sniper must hide. [2] Survivor ? It's forbidden to use the jetpack to fly. ? The lasermine is allowed. ? The survivor must hide. [3] Nemesis ? Free nemesis it is allowed only if it is given to all players. ? It's forbidden to hide just to extend the round. ? When asked "Did you read the rules?" You will reply with: Good Game ! [4] Assassin ? Player that bought assassin should attack everyone. Avoinding certain players may result in slay to assassin and to respective players. ? It's forbidden to hide to extend the round or avoid death. [5] Samurai ? It's forbidden to use the jetpack to fly. ? The samurai must find the zombies in hinding and follow the ones trying to escape. ? Zombies are allowed to run and hide. ? It's forbidden to pick up weapons and use them as the samurai. [6] Hybrid ? It's forbidden to hide or avoid players to extend the round or avoid death. ? Free Hybrid is allowed only if its given to all players. [7] Bombardier ? It's forbidden to hide or avoid players to extend the round or avoid death. IMPORTANT * Afk's doesnt count when giving free. If you are certain someone is afk (scoreboard something like 0-12) you are allowed to kill him and admins must not punish. In case of punishment, you are on your own, as admins or you won't be able to sustain or deny the fact that you killed an afk. * Punishment for breaking the rules above may start with warning, slap, freeze and in case the player doesn't stop, slay. Exception the case of announcing free nemesis/hybrid and killing people in which the player may be punished right away with slay. * Every admin should check the new posts on forum at least once a day. It's a simple website, it works on your phone...check it, vote the new admin requests, check the complaints (if any), react to other users/admins topics (to gain +rep) * Ban list is a must if you are accepted as admin. * Every admin should check the new posts on forum at least once a day. It's a simple website, it works on your phone...check it, vote the new admin requests, check the complaints (if any), react to other users/admins topics (to gain +rep) * Voting the server and replying in the topic is mandatory *The last human must hide. *To be validated, the admin request must contain the key word found in this topic + you should leave a like at this topic. Rules for admins Using any commands on other admins is forbidden zp_giveap can be used once per map. The limit is 80 ammo/command You are allowed to give yourself one mode per day with the zp command! Do not escalate conflicts. Your job is to avoid conflicts if posibble and tone it down when others fight Do not abuse of your admin commands and do not be disrespectful to anyone just because you have a higher grade. If you will be accepted as admin your name will have to contain between 3 and 12 characters. The ușe of the zp_points comand îs prohibited and You când only use IT with the permission of a founder (suspend 5days) THe purchase of the jetpack can be done 3 times in the map by admins who have access to this command. Exclusive use of this command will result in a 3 day suspendsuspend. Îți îs forbidden tot Grant the jetpack to all players in the fiesta rotund after the start of the map. The jetpack will be offered in a round 3 or 4 from the start of the map (suspend for 3days) Violation of these rules will lead to suspension or remove! © Zm.WestCStrike.Ro
    2 points
  30. Varul Sandu

    Ban list Varul Sandel

    [1] Nick server :lJave (fucking.banY) [2] IP si Steam ID celui banat :STEAM_1:0:1702708355 [3] Motiv : refuzat wg [4] Dovada: [5] Durata banului : Permanent [6] Alte detalii :Din nou, a intrat, avea wh si cand l-am mutat spec sa ii cer wg a iesit instant.
    1 point
  31. My Last Vote: Voted!
    1 point
  32. Votat!
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Tricky2.0

    [Request Unban] Tricky2.0

    Name: Tricky2.0 Nick server:Tricky2.0 IP: SteamID:STEAM_6:0:1315495672 Name of the admin who banned you :doc The reason you received ban: red wg (wall ) Wargods scan link : Proof ( video / photo / demo ) :proof Mentions ( Details ) : Yesterday i got banned accused for using wall hack because i heard that doc is in the vent and i killed him so he asked me to give him a wg. I did give it to him and it was red showing Crosshair AWP I use Cs nvida e8 and it has Crosshair AWP in the files so wg will always be red.I uninstalled it and download another cs 1.6 and even tested it so it wont show red wg.Also many of you know that i dont use any cheats but is up to you do decide anyway. Have a nice day
    1 point
  36. rraxr3s

    Cerere admin raxr3s

    1 - Nume : Rares 2 - Nick server :raxr3s 3 - Varsta :17 4 - Ai intrat pe serverul nostru de discrod?( : da 5 - Ai citit regulamentul (Cod secret) ? : CSGO TOP:) 6 - Steam ON/OFF ? : ON 7 - SteamID (gradele se dau doar pe SteamID,il puteti gasi in cosola tastind status) :STEAM_0:1:763587087
    1 point
  37. *Titlul va fi de forma "[ZM] Cerere admin Mihai.cfg" *Respecta modelul si titlul topicului. In caz contrar cererea va fi respinsa! Regulamentul serverului Ghid pentru admini incepatori ¤ Nick:Mihai.cfg ¤ Varsta:17 ¤ Primele 7 cifre din CNP:5060504 ¤ Localitate:Ulmeni Salaj ¤ Ocupatie:Gaming/Scoala ¤ Steam/Discord:mihai_bmn ¤ Join Discord Obligatoriu: ¤ Folosesti teamspeak?:da ¤ Ore jucate - ¤ Intervalul de activitate:dupa ora 3:00 dupa amiaza pana la ora 12 sau in weekend 3:00 pana la 2-3-4 ¤ Ai citit regulamentul?:Good Game ! ¤ Voteaza serverul de TS al comunitatii: Apasa aici pentru a vota ¤ Completeaza numarul votului ca reply in acest topic)
    1 point
  38. Votat.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. -QrS-

    [CSGO] UpGrade

    Adminul "xD3Nx" a primit UpGrade Mersi de timpul care il petreci pe server si bafta in continuare! Grad recent - HELPER Grad actual - MODERATOR
    1 point
  41. MatriX 21

    [ZM] Report Yick

    Done yesterday
    1 point
  42. Yick

    [ZM] Report Yick

    Eu nu cred ca este nici o greșeală și dacă este considerată ca o greșeală o să îmi asum consecințele.
    1 point
  43. Fang Yuan

    [ZM] Report Yick

    I remember when I was promoted to moderator, the first thing I did back then was to create a banlist in the forum for permanent bans. You are clearly in the fault but not accepting your mistake? Even If he used speedhack (which he did not because of his always high ping). What you are saying that its your first time thats why you didn't make banlist and recorded demo? In my opinion it should be the opposite, you should have gathered evidence just because its your first ban. But you clearly don't know what it means to have definite proof. Who am I, to report admins without a justified cause? Who am I, to go through the trouble of making demos, converting them to mp4 format, then upload it to mediafire, just for the sake of providing evidence for my ban in my banlist? Who am I, to read the rules before taking any action so that I have necessary knowledge about certain actions that I'm about to perform?
    1 point
  44. Assos13

    [ZM] Report Yick

    Exletare also messaged me for this yesterday, but as i was away from pc, I told him to announce it in general chat in discord or show it to Fang and Matrix, and some admin would see this. The same time, in a period of 20 min it was solved by Fang. I totally agree with Fang, for a permanent ban, proof is necessary and must be announced in forum in the specific topic. I also have banned for 30-60 -120 min for reasons of repeatedly avoiding mods, last zombies left 2 and more times by same player or swearing and i have proofs for all of them. But PERMANENT ban must be confirmed by spec player carefully and announced it in forum.
    1 point
  45. Ana:)

    [RS] Vote the server

    1 point
  46. attacker!

    [ZM] Report Yick

    if u banned him have proof of him speed hacking and record that, he always has high ping 200-300.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. Fondator+FTP+VIP - 50 Euro Owner - 30 Euro Co-Owner - 20 Euro Administrator -10 Euro Super-Moderator - 5 Euro Moderator - 2 Euro VIP - 5 Euro Lunar | 25 Permanent Curind vrem sa adaugam un boost .daca cineva vrea sa ajute serverul o sa fiu foarte recunascator . In schimb ofer gradele de mai sus la suma respectiva Mersi mult . Daca cineva doreste sa ajute macar cu 1 Euro tot o sa fie un mare ajutor
    1 point
  49. im saying no to levels. would be a lot of troubles because there is no security method and i wouldn't add that because people are dumb and forget passwords so they will come to me everyday
    1 point
  50. Model cerere admin 1 - Nume : 2 - Nick server : 3 - Varsta : 4 - Ai intrat pe serverul nostru de discrod?( : 5 - Ai citit regulamentul (Cod secret) ? : 6 - Steam ON/OFF ? : 7 - SteamID (gradele se dau doar pe SteamID,il puteti gasi in cosola tastind status) : !!! Cerinte pe care trebuie sa le indepliniti pentru a face cerere de admin : 1. Trebuie sa aveti minim 1 ore jucate pe server. 2. Varsta minima pentru a putea face o cerere de admin este de 13 ani. Daca doresti sa ajuti serverul cu o donatie oferim urmatoarele grade contra cost Fondator+FTP+VIP - 50 Euro Fondator- 35 Euro Owner - 30 Euro Co-Owner - 20 Euro Administrator - 10 Euro Super-Moderator - 5 Euro Moderator - 2 Euro VIP - 5 Euro Lunar | 25 Permanent
    1 point


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