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  • Neuvillette

    Global Moderators
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    Everything posted by Neuvillette

    1. I will say again the same. 1. Loosen up your behaviour. 2. Stop playing for rank. Follow and implement these, and you will get a PRO from me. I'll observe you in the server. For now the same as my colleagues, CONTRA!
    2. I don't even have the energy to argue anymore. I am ignoring you now. I have said what I must say. Please close this topic.
    3. Oh my god... I have no words, you come here complaining only because I gagged you? You said I was targeting you because I infected you that one time, right? I did not even know It was you lol. Gagging you is abusing my authority as admin? Do you even know what is called abuse? Abuse is something like permanant ban, not GAGGING someone. And that time when you said I didn't gave warnings like ZM ATTACK because I was attaking and the round was only 20 seconds remain, so I figured It was okay since I was attacking atleast. And yes, you are a CLOWN!
    4. Venting out your frustration here when I slay you on a legit reason, I am perplexed to see that there are human beings like you exist in this world. Sigh, my brain will explode... Close from me also!
    5. You and your lies, yes, I said that right. Tell me where did I changed map when you bought sniper of 800 ammo packs? Is that not a lie? Attach that proof, please? And tell me ONE time I didn't give warnings before slapping anyone? I did right? Basically 5-6 times! The whole purpose of admins is when someone buys Sniper or suvivor etc, we have to SLAP, SLAY or FREEZE them to make the round end faster, not like you are saying give them space or air like 5 seconds. If a person is not attacking even for 5 seconds, I will still slap them, then again If not, slay is the only option. Again what a logic! I slay you so It drives the players away? Are you from mars or jupiter? Because I again can't see the logic in there. You think that you are so SPECIAL that when I slay you, all the players gets sad and they also leaves, because they consider you as their leader? Again, what kind of fantasy world are you living in? I don't need to convince myself. You have to attack when you are zombie and not hide! Thank you!
    6. I'm bewildered to see that how can a player lie this much? Since you have come on the forum, and only told your side of the story. 1. I slap like 6 times, gives warning of ZM ATTACK 5-6 times, you still hide. The only option for me is then Slay, since you hide, then attack, then hide, then attack? Tell me what should I do? Do you expect me to sit and do nothing when you are unneccesarily making the round longer? Thus, I slay, and not only you, any person who does this. YOU are not special and I don't hold a grudge with any player LMAO. 2. I make the server empty? I for once think you've hit your head. Tell me slaying you makes the server empty? Where is the logic in this? 3. I change the map when you buy sniper worth of 800? When did I? Please attach that proof? So that I can witness it myself. 4. You call every admin bot and I had enough of this, so I used amx_votekick and it resulted in positive. So you got kicked. But then you retry, the only option remained for me was banning you for 30 mins since you basically retried. 5. Tell me, If a player buys Sniper, Is It not my responsibility as an admin, TO SLAP, SLAY or possibly FREEZE them? The proof you gave, I can see in it clearly that I slapped you like 5-6 times, you still didn't budge, so I slayed you, simple? Why make the round longer? 6. You are playing and there are 20 players, then in a fairytale I come and starts slaying everyone, according to you right? Trust me, If I did this, I would have been long sanctioned, or maybe got removed. You and your horrible lies.
    7. Please stop playing for rank. Overall,
    8. 1. Yeah, the hp bug of VIP silver when it's free VIP time, I have noticed it too. It stays at 250 and doesn't turn to 1000hp. 2. Second, yeah It would be good to also add the countdown in Tag mode. 3. The anti bug is that when you kill a zombie, he respawns as a human instead of a zombie. Pro for these three.


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