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  • Neuvillette Global Moderators
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  • Neuvillette

    Global Moderators
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    Reputation Activity

    1. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to Ana:) in [RS] Vote the server   
    2. Dislike
      Neuvillette reacted to Yick in [ZM] Report Yick   
      Nu am făcut banlist pentru ca asta a fost primul ban care l-am dat și asta chiar avea speed hack dar nu-l folosește continu doar în anumite momente , dovezi nu am făcut pentru ca e destul de clar ca nu abuzez de comenzi pentru ca nu-mi place mie un jucător ca alți admini , eu cred ca nu trebuie acceptați jucătorii cu hack dacă voi nu-i băgați în seamă asta e treaba voastră .
    3. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from Assos13 in [ZM] Report Yick   
      I remember when I was promoted to moderator, the first thing I did back then was to create a banlist in the forum for permanent bans. You are clearly in the fault but not accepting your mistake? Even If he used speedhack (which he did not because of his always high ping). What you are saying that its your first time thats why you didn't make banlist and recorded demo? In my opinion it should be  the opposite, you should have gathered evidence just because its your first ban. But you clearly don't know what it means to have definite proof.
      Who am I, to report admins without a justified cause?
      Who am I, to go through the trouble of making demos, converting them to mp4 format, then upload it to mediafire, just for the sake of providing evidence for my ban in my banlist?
      Who am I, to read the rules before taking  any action so that I have necessary knowledge about certain actions that I'm about to perform?
    4. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to Assos13 in [ZM] Report Yick   
      Exletare also messaged me for this yesterday, but as i was away from pc, I told him to announce it in general chat in discord or show it to Fang and Matrix, and some admin would see this. The same time, in a period of 20 min it was solved by Fang. I totally agree with Fang, for a permanent ban, proof is necessary and must be announced in forum in the specific topic.
      I also have banned for 30-60 -120 min  for reasons of  repeatedly avoiding mods, last zombies left 2 and more times by same player or swearing and i have proofs for all of them. But PERMANENT ban must be confirmed by spec player carefully and announced it in forum. 
    5. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to attacker! in [ZM] Report Yick   
      if u banned him have proof of him speed hacking and record that, he always has high ping 200-300.
    6. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to Evolution in [ZM] Report Yick   
    7. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to MatriX 21 in [ZM] Report Yick   
      I give pro for this I have also got message from And many times i saw targetting me and fang too...

    8. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from Assos13 in [ZM] Report Yick   
      ¤ Your nickname: Fang Yuan
      ¤ Denounced admin: Yick
      ¤ Date and time: 8 PM
      ¤ Reason: I received private message in discord from a player named Exletare who was banned by an admin named "Yick". The player told me that he was as usual playing in the server when suddenly he was banned by an admin. This player Exletare, he is from Mexico and is playing for 1-2 months, all of us admins know that his ping is high and is always between 200-300. But Yick banned him without observing carefully. In my opinion, it's not a befitting action that an admin should do. No video, no banlist in the forum, ban someone just because his ping is high and give reason that he is using speedhack. We admins always record demo and post it in the banlist before banning someone permanantly. We observe the player, not recklessly take action. And this player said this also in our discord eng chat, and we know that there are many people in our group, so this action of this 'individual' admin really damages our reputation. He is also not in the admin chat, so that we can condemn him there, that's why I reported here becuase as an admin: 1) it should be your responsibility to join the staff group. 2) Make a banlist in the forum. 3) Record demos. 4) Observe carefully before banning someone permanantly.
      ¤ Proof (screenshot/demo)
    9. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from AKAFAP in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    10. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from mokey d luffy in [ZM] Report Yick   
      ¤ Your nickname: Fang Yuan
      ¤ Denounced admin: Yick
      ¤ Date and time: 8 PM
      ¤ Reason: I received private message in discord from a player named Exletare who was banned by an admin named "Yick". The player told me that he was as usual playing in the server when suddenly he was banned by an admin. This player Exletare, he is from Mexico and is playing for 1-2 months, all of us admins know that his ping is high and is always between 200-300. But Yick banned him without observing carefully. In my opinion, it's not a befitting action that an admin should do. No video, no banlist in the forum, ban someone just because his ping is high and give reason that he is using speedhack. We admins always record demo and post it in the banlist before banning someone permanantly. We observe the player, not recklessly take action. And this player said this also in our discord eng chat, and we know that there are many people in our group, so this action of this 'individual' admin really damages our reputation. He is also not in the admin chat, so that we can condemn him there, that's why I reported here becuase as an admin: 1) it should be your responsibility to join the staff group. 2) Make a banlist in the forum. 3) Record demos. 4) Observe carefully before banning someone permanantly.
      ¤ Proof (screenshot/demo)
    11. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to attacker! in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    12. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from Michael in [ZM] Free Games on Steam & Epic Games   
      Steam Free Games:
       1)  Free until 9 April (6 days remaining).
       2)  Free until 13 April (10 days remaining.)
      Epic Free Games:
      1) Free until 4 April (1 day remaining.)
      2) Free until 11 April (10 days remaining.)
      Grab these while you can!
      Cine e interesat sa dea follow la topic sa primeasca notificare cand mai postez aici si sa nu mai dau tag tuturor ca poate deveni deranjant
      Follow the topic!
    13. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from attacker! in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    14. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from mokey d luffy in request admin mokey D luffy   
      I agree with what AKAFAP said above. I hope you perform your duty to the utmost! And not make the same mistake again.
                                                                                                                                               Thank you!
    15. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to Ana:) in [RS] Vote the server   
    16. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to attacker! in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    17. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to AKAFAP in request admin mokey D luffy   
      Pro. Editează topicul și pune un link cu orele ca sa nu mai caute fiecare admin. Orele sunt corecte.
      Nu știu dacă colegii mei îți vor oferi a 2 a sansa sau nu, eu am decis sa o fac, poate te ai trezit la realitate. Dar dacă o sa faci iar abuz propun sa nu ți se mai încredințeze niciodată privilegiul asta.
    18. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from attacker! in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    19. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to attacker! in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    20. Salute
      Neuvillette reacted to negruu in Sugestie Knife Blink   
      Este vreo posibilitate sa fie rezolvat bug-ul din knife blink ? 
      De fiecare data daca esti prins de un zm in aer cu knife blink si esti aproape de textura tavanului ramai blocat si nu mai poti sa faci absolut nici o miscare ( si clar ca te omoara )
      Am intrebat si anumiti admini despre asta dar raspunsul lor a fost unul evaziv ... cu toate ca cei intrebati l au folosit mereu impotriva jucatorilor cand ei trebuie sa fie un exemplu pozitiv 
    21. Like
      Neuvillette got a reaction from attacker! in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    22. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to AKAFAP in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    23. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to attacker! in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
    24. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to Assos13 in [ZM] Votati Serverul   
      V O T E D !
    25. Like
      Neuvillette reacted to Assos13 in [ZM] Admin request Red_Master   
      If you got rejected you have to wait 7 days until you can make another request. You have made 4 requests the last 2 days! Applying for admin, not according to the model Of course , no read the rules.  


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