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  • demySek @ WCS Founders
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  • demySek @ WCS

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    demySek @ WCS last won the day on December 4 2023

    demySek @ WCS had the most liked content!

    About demySek @ WCS

    • Birthday 05/23/1999


    • Panarama panaramelor

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    • Gender
    • Location
      Iasi, Romania
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    demySek @ WCS's Achievements

    1. Ai warn, pt asta, daca mai vad cereri unban pt bancuri nepostate va jumulesc. Tv
    2. Este o greșeală, cum sa nu fie. Toate banurile ar trebui postate in banlist, nu e degeaba făcut. @MatriX 21 ajuta cu unban pe jucătorul in cauză. Daca nu reușesti, message me
    3. Acceptat. Am parola de la vip, îți voi oferi gradul și pe grupul de discord. După cum zicea și Akafap, baga și un vot zilnic. Bafta
    4. im saying no to levels. would be a lot of troubles because there is no security method and i wouldn't add that because people are dumb and forget passwords so they will come to me everyday
    5. Rejected, people are complaining about you. i dont need more drama.
    6. acceptat Trimite-mi parola pe discord.
    7. Rejected. 1, model not respected 2. proof doesnt work / can't be seen 3. it's only a gag, cut some slack.
    8. So, Don, you are lucky to not be banned permanently. Stay put and stop calling admins bots, attack if you are zombie and play by the rules. I am not here to read all your lies. Fang is a good admin, and i mean it. I am giving a green light to admins to punish this behavior. Case closed Complaint rejected.
    9. Acceptat. trimite-mi te rog pe discord parola, si sa dai join la serverul de discord. Vei primi grad si acolo Te rog sa incepi sa votezi serverul si sa iti dai interesul. Activitatea e buna, tine-o tot asa.
    10. Trimite-mi parola in privat.
    11. Not really a bug, the old JP gets dropped I think... Also, I don't think it's problem when there is so much ammo..since it's saving the water couldn't be that significant.
    12. Trimite pass pe discord.
    13. Rejected again, come back after 7 days with a request made by you, not copied from other requests.


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