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MadaLinNn and 52 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
REGULAMENT SERVER Regulile de baza ale serverului sunt: Respecta si vei fi respectat. Nu incalca regula numarul 1 Distractia pe primul loc. _______ [1] Gag ? Jucatorii ce injura vor primi gag! (3 minute) ? Jucatorii ce cersesc ammo vor primi gag! (3 minute) [2] Slay ? Jucatorii ce sparg lm-uri vor primi slay! ? Zombie ce nu ataca vor primi slay! ? Este interzis sa va ascundeti fiind zombie. Veti primi slay(Exceptie modul SAMURAI) ? Toata lumea are dreptul la on mod per mapa si SINGURUL mod prin care cineva poate juca doua sau trei moduri este daca PRIMUL a fost cumparat iar al doilea/treilea este dat de server ( FOARTE IMPORTANT) [3] Ban ? Jucatorii ce sunt prinsi folosind hack-uri/cfg-uri sau orice alt tip de script vor fi banati ? Jucatorii ce injura dupa x3 gag vor primi ban pentru o perioada scurta. (5 min, 10min pana la 30 min) ? Jucatorii ce injura religii sau familile altor jucatori sau admini vor primi ban pe o perioada mai lunga sau permanenta (cateva zile, una / doua saptamani, permanent - In functie de insulta) ? Jucatorii ce dau retry cand este ultimul / primul zombie vor primi ban o perioada scurta (5min, 10 min pana la 30 min) [4] Slap ? Jucatorii ce sunt blocati in anumite puncte ale mapei vor primi slap. Daca nu pot reveni intr-un loc accesibil -> slay pentru a termina runda mai repede. ? Zombie ce nu ataca va primi slap x3 urmat de zp_(freeze) sau slay daca este ascuns. ? Orice nerespectare a regulamentul se va sanctiona in prima faza cu avertisement, slap, freeze, slay, gag, ban etc. Exceptie: Codatii, cei ce insulta religii, rase, natii pot fi pedepisti fara avertisment. Regulile modului de joc. * Fiecare jucator are dreptul la un mod pe runda. Pentru detalii citeste mai sus, la capitolul Slay. [1] Sniper ? Sniperul este obligat sa se ascunda. [2] Survivor ? La modul survivor este permisa folosirea lm-ului. ? Survivorul este obligat sa se ascunda. [3] Nemesis ? Jucatorul ce isi ia nemesis are voie sa lase free doar daca lasa free tuturor jucatorilor. ? Este interzis sa lasati free doar anumitor jucatori! ? Este interzis sa se ascunda pentru a extinde runda sau evita moartea. ? La întrebarea "Ai citit regulamentul?" Vei răspunde cu: Good Game ! [4] Assassin ? Jucatorul ce isi cumpara assasin este obligat sa atace toti jucatori si sa nu faca selectie intre jucatori. ? Assasinului ii este interzis sa se ascunda pentru a extinde runda sau evita moartea. [5] Samurai ? Zombie are voie sa se ascunda si sa fuga. Samuraiul fiind obligat sa caute zombie. [6] Hybrid ? Este interzis sa va ascundeti pentru a extinde runda sau evita moartea. ? Free hybrid este permis doar daca este oferit tuturor jucatorilor. ? Jucatorul ce isi cumpara hybrid este obligat sa atace toti jucatorii si sa nu faca selectie intre jucatori. [7] Bombardier ? Jucatorul ce isi cumpara bombardier este obligat sa atace toti jucatorii si sa nu faca selectie intre jucatori. IMPORTANT * Afk pot fi omorati cand oferiti free doar daca sunteti sigur ca acea persoana era afk si adminii nu trebuie sa va sanctioneze. In cazul in care sunteti sanctionati, adminii nu pot fi trasi la raspundere datorita faptului ca nicio parte nu poate aduce o dovada cum ca acel player era sau nu afk. * Sanctiunile pentru incalcarea regulilor de joc de mai sus trebuie sa inceapa cu avertisment, slap, freeze iar daca jucatorul continua sa incalce regulamentul, poate fi aplicat slay. Exceptie: cazul in care playerul anunta free si incepe sa omoare oamenii, acesta poate fi pedepsit imediat cu slay * Toti adminii trebuie sa verifice forumul macar odata pe zi. Trebuie verificat daca: nu sunt cereri noi de admin, daca sunt trebuie sa participati la vot, daca sunt sau nu sunt reclamatii / cereri unban care va privesc etc. React cu like la postarile colegilor admini pentru a face +rep * Votarea serverului și postarea votului in topicul corespunzător este obligatorie pentru toți adminii *Ultimul human trebuie sa se ascunda. *Validarea cererii de admin se va face prin gasirea si completarea cuvantului cheie si/sau like la aceasta postare Reguli admini Comenzile intre admini sunt strict interzise. zp_giveap poate fi folosit odata pe mapa cu limita de 80 ammo. Aveti voie sa va dati un singur mod pe zi folosind comanda zp Nu escaladati conflictele. Treaba voastra este sa le calmati! Nu abuzati de comenzi si nu luati pe sus jucatorii. În cazul în care veți fi acceptați că admin numele vostru va trebui să conțină între 3 și 12 caractere. Folosirea comenzii zp_points este interzisa și o puteți folosi doar cu permisiunea unui fondator (suspend 5zile) Cumpărarea jetpack-ului se poate face de 3 ori pe mapa de către adminii care au acces la această comandă. Folosirea excesiva a acestei comenzi va duce la suspend pe 3 zile. Este interzisa acordarea jetpack-ului către toți jucătorii in prima rundă de la începerea mapei. Jetpack-ul va fi oferit in runda 3 sau 4 de la începerea mapei (suspend 3 zile) Incalcarea acestor reguli vor duce la suspend sau remove! ©Echipa Zm.WestCStrike.Ro53 points -
3Z3Z0923 and 28 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
SERVER RULES Golden rules: Respect others in order to get respect from others Don't break the first rule We play for fun. _______ [1] Gag ? Players having a aggresive behavior and/or swearing. (3mins, next 6 and so on) ? Players that beg continuously for ammo. (3mins, next 6 and so on) [2] Slay ? Players that destroy other players lasermine. ? Zombies that hide or refuse to attack. Exception: Zombies are allowed to hide in Samurai mode ? Players using jetpack on survivor, nemesis or samurai mode. Flying is forbidden (announce them in chat, slap them and if they refuse to stop, slay them) ? Planting lasermine as a survivor is forbidden. (announce, slap, then slay if refusing to take the laser. ? Players buying more than one mod in the same round. Everyone can play just one mod and the ONLY scenario someone can play 2 mods is when he bought the FIRST and the second/third was from the server. (VERY IMPORTANT) [3] Ban ? Players using any type of hack must be banned permanently with proof (demo) and posted in the banlist ? Players swearing after 3 gags may receivce a short period ban (5 mins, 10mins up to 30 mins) ? Players insulting other player(s)/admin(s) family, other religion, races may receive long time ban or permanent. Depending on the insult the ban can be: a few days, a week, two weeks, permanent. ? Players reconnecting (retry) or moving to spec when they are the first zombie. [4] Slap ? Players stuck in different corners or places on the map may receive slap in order to get them back. If not possible slay to end the round faster. ? Zombies refusing to attack may receive slap (3-5-10 or whatever) followed by (zp_)freeze. If player in hide, slay may be applied ? Anyone breaking the rules may receive an warning, slaps, freeze, slay etc. Exception: hackers, players insulting religions, races etc may be punished without warning. Game mode rules. * As i have to say it again. Everyone have the right to play one mod per round. details can be found above, at the Slay section [1] Sniper ? It's forbidden to use the jetpack to fly and lasermine. ? The sniper must hide. [2] Survivor ? It's forbidden to use the jetpack to fly. ? The lasermine is allowed. ? The survivor must hide. [3] Nemesis ? Free nemesis it is allowed only if it is given to all players. ? It's forbidden to hide just to extend the round. ? When asked "Did you read the rules?" You will reply with: Good Game ! [4] Assassin ? Player that bought assassin should attack everyone. Avoinding certain players may result in slay to assassin and to respective players. ? It's forbidden to hide to extend the round or avoid death. [5] Samurai ? It's forbidden to use the jetpack to fly. ? The samurai must find the zombies in hinding and follow the ones trying to escape. ? Zombies are allowed to run and hide. ? It's forbidden to pick up weapons and use them as the samurai. [6] Hybrid ? It's forbidden to hide or avoid players to extend the round or avoid death. ? Free Hybrid is allowed only if its given to all players. [7] Bombardier ? It's forbidden to hide or avoid players to extend the round or avoid death. IMPORTANT * Afk's doesnt count when giving free. If you are certain someone is afk (scoreboard something like 0-12) you are allowed to kill him and admins must not punish. In case of punishment, you are on your own, as admins or you won't be able to sustain or deny the fact that you killed an afk. * Punishment for breaking the rules above may start with warning, slap, freeze and in case the player doesn't stop, slay. Exception the case of announcing free nemesis/hybrid and killing people in which the player may be punished right away with slay. * Every admin should check the new posts on forum at least once a day. It's a simple website, it works on your phone...check it, vote the new admin requests, check the complaints (if any), react to other users/admins topics (to gain +rep) * Ban list is a must if you are accepted as admin. * Every admin should check the new posts on forum at least once a day. It's a simple website, it works on your phone...check it, vote the new admin requests, check the complaints (if any), react to other users/admins topics (to gain +rep) * Voting the server and replying in the topic is mandatory *The last human must hide. *To be validated, the admin request must contain the key word found in this topic + you should leave a like at this topic. Rules for admins Using any commands on other admins is forbidden zp_giveap can be used once per map. The limit is 80 ammo/command You are allowed to give yourself one mode per day with the zp command! Do not escalate conflicts. Your job is to avoid conflicts if posibble and tone it down when others fight Do not abuse of your admin commands and do not be disrespectful to anyone just because you have a higher grade. If you will be accepted as admin your name will have to contain between 3 and 12 characters. The ușe of the zp_points comand îs prohibited and You când only use IT with the permission of a founder (suspend 5days) THe purchase of the jetpack can be done 3 times in the map by admins who have access to this command. Exclusive use of this command will result in a 3 day suspendsuspend. Îți îs forbidden tot Grant the jetpack to all players in the fiesta rotund after the start of the map. The jetpack will be offered in a round 3 or 4 from the start of the map (suspend for 3days) Violation of these rules will lead to suspension or remove! © Zm.WestCStrike.Ro29 points -
[ZM] Votati Serverul
Neuvillette and 26 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
Pentru a ajuta serverul rog tot staful sa voteze zilnic serverul!!! Se pot verifica voturile, cine are cele mai multe voturi va fi rasplatit Vot Aici Vot Aici Vot Aici NEW: https://super-boost.ro/vote/156 Votul aici ajuta să câștigăm un boost de 7 zile daca avem cele mai multe voturi27 points -
[ZM] Staff
attacker! and 21 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
22 points -
[ZM] Free Games on Steam & Epic Games
svg@100 and 17 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Jocuri gratuite pe steam 1 https://store.steampowered.com/app/489630/Warhammer_40000_Gladius__Relics_of_War/ 2 https://store.steampowered.com/app/443910/TGV_Voyages_Train_Simulator/ 3 https://store.steampowered.com/app/383270/Hue/ @Members @ Server Managers @ Moderators Daca vă interesează și prindeți oferta. O sa mai postez aici când găsesc jocuri.18 points -
[ZM] Campanie admine free!!!! [Redeschisa]
mokey d luffy and 14 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
* Follow the model down below and post it as reply in this topic. Dupa cum am anuntat am redeschis campania ADMIN FREE pana pe data de 15.10.2022! MULT SUCCES TUTUROR! RO: Nume Varsta: Locatie: Experienta admin?: Join Discord Obligatoriu* (https://discord.gg/NKtzQZWK) Ai citit regulamentul: Voteaza serverul de TS al comunitatii: Apasa aici pentru a vota EN: Nickname: Age: Location: Experience as an admin?: Join Discord Compulsory (https://discord.gg/NKtzQZWK) Have you read the rules? Vote the TS3 community server: Click here to vote15 points -
[ZM] Free Games on Steam & Epic Games
mokey d luffy and 13 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Tell me why | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1180660/Tell_Me_Why/ Free until 07/01/2023 Epic Games free game: Midnight Ghost hunt | https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/midnight-ghost-hunt Free until 06/08/2023 Cine e interesat sa dea follow la topic sa primeasca notificare cand mai postez aici si sa nu mai dau tag tuturor ca poate deveni deranjant @ Premium Members @Members @ Server Managers @ Moderators @ Global Moderators @ Girl @ Staff TS314 points -
[ZM] Ghid ajutator pentru helperi si nu numai
WASSIM and 13 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Am incropit un mic ghid pentru a ajuta pe cei fara prea multa experienta ca admin. 1. Comenzile de ban: Aceste comenzi le putem grupa in doua categorii si anume: I. Comenzi pe care le aplicam atunci cand jucatorul se afla PE SERVER: 1.a - amx_addban "STEAM:ID" time "reason" 1.b - amx_banip nick time "reason" 1.c - amx_banip sau amx_addban "nick din doua cuvinte" time "reason" 1.d - amx_banip sau amx_addban #nr.ID time "reason" II. Comenzi pe care le aplicam atunci cand jucatorul A IESIT DE PE SERVER: 1.e - amx_addban "STEAM:ID" time "reason" - timpul in minute 1.f - amx_addban IP time "reason" - timpul in minute La comenzile 1.a/e trebuie pus steamID intre ghilimele. Pentru cei ce folosesc nume prea scurt sau caractere speciale trebuie folosit #nr.ID in loc de nume (valorea de 3,4 sau 5 cifre ce urmeaza dupa nume la comanda status (in consola). Pentru cei ce au nume din doua cuvinte scurte sau doua litere cu spatiu intre ele, exista posibilitatea de a folosi ghilimele. Exemplu? amx_nick "a si b" "nume nou" <==> echivalent cu <==> amx_nick #1824 "nume nou din mai multe cuvinte" (ghilimelele nu sunt necesare daca numele nu contine mai multe cuvinte) 2. Comenzi referitoare la vizualizarea/recupererarea IP-urilor! 2.a - amx_showip / amx_ip nick - afiseaza IP-urile celor conectati pe server 2.b - amx_last - afiseaza IP-urile celor care au parasit server-ul 3. Comenzi pentru pastrarea bunastarii serverului 3.a Folosirea y@ ca mijloc de avertizare a jucatorilor care incalca regulile (sparge lm, zboara la sniper/surv etc/ nu ataca, etc) 3.b amx_slap "nume" aplicat jucatorilor care nu ataca. Se considera un warning mai individual. Daca y@ anunta toti jucatorii, slap este pentru un jucator anume. 3.c amx_freeze "nume" pentru a ingheta zombie care refuza sa atace chiar si dupa slap. 3.d amx_gag "nume" timp "motiv" - timpul in minute (3/6/9/12). Se foloseste pe jucatorii care jignesc alti jucatori, admini, cersesc ammo, moduri fac spam sau reclama la alte servere. Nu folositi pentru un cuvant urat dar care nu e directionat catre cineva. Cat mai repede posibil dupa observarea limbajului playerului. Ca admin aveti o obligatia sa fiti atenti si la chat, nu sa va jucati incontinuu. 3.e Functiile /timeleft si /harti pentru a sti cat timp mai este din harta respectiva si care au fost ultimele 5 harti astfel incat sa aveti timp sa va ganditi la ce mape se potrivesc (in functie de playeri, parte a zilei etc) 3.f amx_voteban pentru a supune la vot banarea unui player. Acest ban este temporar insa este o metoda de a scapa de cineva care foloseste cod. Banul temporar, dat prin votaban trebuie postat in banlist in vederea banarii permanente de catre un alt admin cu acces la ban. Acesta va bana doar dupa vizualizarea dovezii. 3.g Indrumarea playerilor catre informatiile pe care le cauta. Serverul are o multime de pagini cu informatii, totul este sa stii cum sa le accesezi. Un player va cere un bind? sau contactul fondatorilor? sau forumul/discordul? Las mai jos o lista cu toate comenzile disponibile in chat /forum afiseaza in chat adresa forumului /discord afiseaza linkul serverul de discord /vip afiseaza informatii despre beneficiile vip si preturi /buypoints sau /shop afiseaza lista preturilor pentru puncte /info afiseaza cateva informatii despre sistemul de puncte. Cand si cat se fac, cum se consuma etc. /binds afiseaza o scurta lista de binduri (pt laser, cateva elemente din shop) /rules afiseaza o versiune mai simplificata a regulamentului in engleza(simplificata pentru ca exista o limita de caractere) /regulament afiseaza o versiune mai simplificata a regulamentului in romana /competition afiseaza informatii despre concursul THE RUTHLESS KILLER - versiunea in engleza /concurs afiseaza informatii despre concursul THE RUTHLESS KILLER - versiunea in romana /winners afiseaza informatii despre castigatorii ultimei editii a concursului THE RUTHLESS KILLER Folositi aceste binduri pentru rapiditate si comoditate. Apasati din cand in cand, dupa caz (primele 2) sau odata la cateva runde (bindul 3 si 4) bind F1 "say @ZM attack or 3x slap -> freeze / slay" bind F2 "say @Don't shoot other players lasermine!" bind F3 "say @For vip benefits write /vip in chat!" bind F4"say @Add to favorites ZM.WESTCSTRIKE.RO" 4. Comenzile folosite pentru schimbarea hartii: Lucruri esentiale pe care orice admin trebuie sa le cunoasca inainte de a derula un vot: 4.a - Votul se da in ultimele 5 minute ale hartii. Pentru a afla timpul ramas folosim comanda /timeleft. 4.b - Inainte de a da startul unui vot consultati-va cu ceilalti admini si tineti cont atat de opiniile lor cat si de cele ale jucatorilor. 4.c - In mod obligatoriu inaintea de consultare se verifica ultimele harti jucate prin comanda /harti sau lastmap. 4.d - Incearca pe cat posibil ca votul pe care il dai sa nu se suprapuna cu votul serverului. Ori il dai imediat dupa votul de la server, ori il dai cu cel putin 2-3 minute inainte. Dupa terminarea votului apasati 2 in meniul aparut. Harta se va schimba la inceputul rundei urmatoare. Apasati 3 daca vreti sa anulati votul. 4.e - Lista hartilor uzuale trebuie stiuta insa pentru ajutor recomand amx_votemapmenu. Nu recomand insa votarea hartilor folosind aceasta comanda. 4.f - Comanda de vot: - amx_votemap <harta1> <harta2> Ex: amx_votemap de_dust2 de_inferno - amx_cancelvote -> Opreste votul care este in derulare (amx_vote , amx_votemap, amx_voteban) in caz ca a fost din greseala 5. Explicatii si indicii la recunoasterea celor care folosesc coduri (norecoil, silent-aim, leis) 5.a - Norecoil - Se poate observa la viteza normala sau in slowmotion atunci cand suspectul trage! Daca playerul suspect trage rafale de cate 3, 4 gloante se vede foarte greu! Gloantele se duc linear iar fiecare glont urmareste tinta, recoil-ul armei fiind absent. 5.b - Silent-aim - Dupa denumire, are caracteristicile unui aim numai ca e mult mai "silentios". Nu mai apar acele miscari bruste de pe un adversar pe altul, totusi se observa cum tinta este fortata pe adversar, iar atunci cand are in fata 2 adversari si ii apasa, tinta incepe sa devina haotica miscandu-se in zig zag. De asemenea in acest caz nu mai exista recoil la arma. 5.c - Leis - Este un cod ce se aseamana cu silent aim-ul, insa exista o diferenta majora. Tinta, in loc sa fie fortata pe adversar, nu este atinsa cu nimic, ci doar traiectoria gloantelor. Spre exemplu, daca tu ai tinta pe toracele adversarului, glontul se poate duce in cap fara ca tinta sa fie miscata din pozitia initiala. Se observa cel mai bine in slowmotion. Atentie! - La recunoasterea acestui cod trebuie luate in calcul si elementele exterioare cum ar fi: lag-ul, configuratia pc-ului etc. * Comenzile pentru a crea un demo: record name (demo recording starts) stop (stops demo recording) * Comenzile pentru a vizualiza un demo: viewdemo name.dem * Demo-ul se salveaza sub denumirea de nume.dem si il gasiti in: C - Program Files - CS 1.6 - cstrike [VALVE] C - Program Files - Steam - SteamApps - common - Half-Life - cstrike [STEAM] 6. - Cum facem sa vizualizam un demo in slow-motion? 6.a - Deschiderea demo-ului se face prin comanda viewdemo nick.dem! - Odata aplicata comanda, incepe sa ruleze demo-ul cu bara de optiuni din care dirijam demo-ul prin: * Pauza * Play * Viteza inainte: x2, x4; * Viteza inapoi: 1/2, 1/4 (slowmotion) Vizualizarea demo-urilor in slowmotion ajuta la depistarea norecoil-ului, silent aim-ului si nu numai!14 points -
[ZM] [Model] Admin request # ENG
AerianZ and 11 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
*Title should be "[ZM] Admin request name" *Follow the model below otherwise your request will get rejected Server rules Guideline for first-time admins ¤ Nick: ¤ Age: ¤ Languages spoken: ¤ Your location: ¤ Experience as admin: ¤ Join Discord Group (Mandatory): https://discord.com/invite/xT8NEYtumG ¤ Do you use Teamspeak3?: ¤ Activity schedule: ¤ Hours played (click here? ¤ Did you read the rules: ¤ Vote the community TeamSpeak server: Apasa aici pentru a vota ¤ Reply to the topic below with the vote number: NEED TO KNOW! You must have minimum 40 hours played to be eligible for admin. You must read the rules before applying for admin. You should be active on the server on a daily basis. You are not allowed to reply to admins voting you. If you do, your request will be rejected. We do not accept under age kids (under 15), multi-account, blacklisted, old admins removed for bad activity or bad behavior. Voting the TeamSpeak3 server would be a plus. ______ If you got rejected you have to wait 7 days until you can make another request. The admin application will be open 24 hours.12 points -
[ZM] Ghid ajutator pentru helperi si nu numai
-_- and 10 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
I've put together this guide. It is suited for everybody either new helpers or experienced admins (as you always learing). 1. Ban commands: These commands we can be split in 2 groups: I. Commands which we use when the target is ON THE server: 1.a - amx_addban "STEAM:ID" time "reason" 1.b - amx_banip nick time "reason" 1.c - amx_banip or amx_addban "2 words name" time "reason" 1.d - amx_banip or amx_addban #nr.ID time "reason" II. Commands which we use when the target HAS LEFT the server: 1.e - amx_addban "STEAM:ID" time "reason" - timpul in minute 1.f - amx_addban IP time "reason" - timpul in minute At 1.a/e the SteamID must between quotation marks For those using a very short name or name with special characters we use #nr.ID instead of the name (Player ID is found when writing status command in console right after the name) For those using names with multiple short words we can use quotation marks as well. Example amx_nick "a and b" "new name <==> echivalent cu <==> amx_nick #1824 "new name with multiple words" (quotation marks needed only if we have to use multiple words) 2. Commands helping to recover or find the player IP and SteamID 2.a - amx_showip - shows the ip adress of those connected 2.b - amx_last - shows the last 10 or 15 disconnected players name and IP's 3. Commands to keep the server nice and healty 3.a Use y@ as a channel to warn the players breaking the rules (breaking lm, hiding as zombie, flying as surv/sniper etc) 3.b amx_slap "name" for the players which refuse to attack -> 3 x slaps then freeze 3.c zp_freeze "name" to freeze a zombie which refuse to attack 3.d amx_gag "name" time "reason" - time in minutes (3/6/9/12). It is used on players who offend other players, admins, beg for ammo, spam mods or advertise on other servers. Used as soon as possible after observing the player's language. As an admin, you have an obligation to pay attention to the chat as well, not to play continuously. 3.e The functions /timeleft and /maps to check how much time is left from the current map and what were the last 5 maps so that you have time to think about which maps fit (depending on the players, part of the day, etc.) 3.f amx_voteban to vote banning a player. This ban is temporary but it is a good method to get rid of someone who uses cheats. The temporary ban, given through voteban, must be posted in the banlist in order to be permanently banned by another admin. He will ban him only after reviewing the proof. 3.g Guiding players to the information they are looking for. The server has a lot of pages with information, everything is to know how to access them. Will a player ask for a bind? or the contact of the founders? or the forum/discord? Below is a list of all the commands available in the chat /forum displays the forum address in the chat /discord displays the discord server link /vip displays information about vip benefits and prices /buypoints or /shop displays the price list for points /info displays some information about the points system. When and how much they are made, how can be used, etc. /binds displays a short list of binds (for laser, some items from the shop) /rules displays a simplified version of the rules in English (simplified because there is a character limit) /regulation displays a simplified version of the regulation in Romanian /competition displays information about THE RUTHLESS KILLER contest - English version /concurs displays information about THE RUTHLESS KILLER contest - the Romanian version /winners displays information about the winners of the last edition of THE RUTHLESS KILLER contest Use these binds for speeding the procces and convenience. Press from time to time, as needed (the first 2) or once every few rounds (bind 3 and 4) bind F1 "say @ZM attack or 3x slap -> freeze / slay" bind F2 "say @Don't shoot other players lasermine!" bind F3 "say @For vip benefits write /vip in chat!" bind F4"say @Add to favorites ZM.WESTCSTRIKE.RO" 4. Commands used to change the map Essential things that any admin must know before running a vote: 4.a - The vote is given in the last 5 minutes of the map. To find out the remaining time, use the /timeleft command. 4.b - Before starting a vote, consult with the other admins and take into account both their opinions and those of the players. 4.c - The last maps played must be checked before the consultation via the command /maps or lastmap. 4.d - Try as much as possible so that the vote you give does not overlap with the server's vote. Either you give it immediately after the vote from the server, or you give it at least 2-3 minutes before. After finishing the vote, press 2 in the menu that appears. The map will change at the beginning of the next round. Press 3 if you want to cancel the vote. 4.e - The list of common maps must be known, but for help I recommend amx_votemapmenu. However, I do not recommend voting maps using this command. 4.f - Voting command: - amx_votemap <map1> <map2> Ex: amx_votemap zm_ice_attack3 zm_deko2 - amx_cancelvote -> Stops the vote that is in progress (amx_vote, amx_votemap, amx_voteban) in case it was by mistake 5. Explanations and hints for recognizing those who use codes (norecoil, silent-aim, leis) 5.a - Norecoil - It can be seen at normal speed or in slow motion when the suspect shoots! If the suspicious player fires bursts of 3 or 4 bullets, it is very difficult to see! The bullets go linearly and each bullet follows the target, the recoil of the weapon being absent. 5.b - Silent-aim - According to the name, it has the characteristics of an aim only that it is much more "silent". Those sudden movements from one opponent to another don't appear anymore, however, you can see how the target is forced on the opponent, and when he has 2 opponents in front of him and he presses them, the target starts to become chaotic, moving in a zig zag. Also in this case there is no more recoil on the weapon. 5.c - Leis - It is a cheat similar to silent aim, but there is a major difference. The target, instead of being forced on the opponent, is not hit by anything, but only the trajectory of the bullets. For example, if you aim at the opponent's chest, the bullet can go to the head without the target being moved from its initial position. It is best seen in slow motion. Careful! - When recognizing this cheat, external elements must also be taken into account, such as: lag, PC configuration, etc. * Commands to create a demo: record name (demo recording starts) stop (stops demo recording) * Commands to view a demo: viewdemo name.dem * The demo is saved under the name name.dem and you can find it: C - Program Files - CS 1.6 - cstrike [VALVE] C - Program Files - Steam - SteamApps - common - Half-Life - cstrike [STEAM] 6. How to play a demo in slow motion 6.a - To open the demo use the command viewdemo nick.dem - Once the command is sent in console, the demo starts to run with the options bar from which we direct the demo through: * Pause * Play * Forward speed: x2, x4; * Reverse speed: 1/2, 1/4 (slowmotion) Viewing demos in slow motion helps to detect norecoil, silent aim and more!11 points -
[ZM] [Aceeptat] Cerere Admin Kaysc
demySek @ WCS and 10 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
11 points -
11 points
10 points
[ZM] [Model] Cerere admin # RO
alinuuut and 9 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
*Titlul va fi de forma "[ZM] Cerere admin nume" *Respecta modelul si titlul topicului. In caz contrar cererea va fi respinsa! Regulamentul serverului Ghid pentru admini incepatori ¤ Nick: ¤ Varsta: ¤ Primele 7 cifre din CNP: ¤ Localitate: ¤ Ocupatie: ¤ Steam/Discord: ¤ Join Discord Obligatoriu: https://discord.com/invite/xT8NEYtumG ¤ Folosesti teamspeak? ¤ Ore jucate - GameTracker.com: ¤ Intervalul de activitate: ¤ Ai citit regulamentul?: ¤ Voteaza serverul de TS al comunitatii: Apasa aici pentru a vota ¤ Completeaza numarul votului ca reply in acest topic) Cerinte [1] Minim 30 de ore jucate pe server [2] Varsta minim 15 ani [3] Citirea regulamentului este obligatorie [4] Votarea serverului de TS este necesara!10 points -
[ZM] Donatii
mokey d luffy and 8 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
In acest topic se vor regasi toate donatile primite!!! Vreau sa fiu deschis cu staful si cu jucatorii Asa ca mai jos voi posta toate donatile primite incepand cu 01.09.2022!!! Toate donatile ce ajung la alti membri cu grad de owner/fondator din staff vor fi trecute de asemenea in acest topic!!! Si cadourile oferite de asemenea!!!9 points -
9 points
[ZM] Votati Serverul
mokey d luffy and 8 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
votat si de pe telefon si de pe pc9 points -
7 points
7 points
7 points
"Title" [ZM] Report admin_M.G.L/SeeeaSooN
AerianZ and 6 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
Modul a fost luat din greseala si daca nu a fost din greseala ayaye toti mai gresim. Elias am verificat din nou in log-uri ti sa dus si ultima sansa sa mai ai admin pe la noi:* @Sam Dintre toti tu ar trebui sa taci la faza cu modurile. Sti bine ce faceai seara cu modurile da? Deci inainte sa ii iei apararea lui elias ar trebui sa ii spui sa fie sincer cu tine. Nu sunt de acord ca cineva sa vina si sa imi atace admini spunand ca sunt "noob" sau orice altceva!!!! @M.G.L/SeeeaSooN De asemnea nici tu nu ai reactionat bine. Asa ca si tu la randul tau vei primi suspend 3 zile si 1 warn!!! Un admin trebuie sa calmeze apele nu sa le agite mai tare!!!!7 points -
7 points
[ZM] Votati Serverul
Neuvillette and 6 others reacted to Abc Official for a topic
7 points -
ikero.jo and 5 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Salutare, Dam startul concursului THE RUTHLESS KILLER. In ce consta acest concurs? E simplu. Joci la noi pe server si daca esti bun vei fi rasplatit. La inceputul fiecarei luni se va reseta topul iar la finalul lunii facem o statistica si primii 3 jucatori din top vor primi cate un premiu. Voi posta ca reply in acest topic castigatorii si un screenshot drept dovada a castigatorilor. Premiul 1 - 30 zile VIP-GOLD Premiul 2 - 15 zile VIP-GOLD Premiul 3 - 7 zile VIP-GOLD Beneficiile VIP sunt: VIP tag in scoreboard (TAB) Double Damage [?] 1000 Health [❤️] 5 JUMPS Gold guns and knife [?] 100 Armor [?] VIP Skin VIP ability knife 1500 bonus points NOTA *La acest concurs nu vor fi luati in considerare jucatorii care au avut VIP activ pe perioada concursului.6 points -
6 points
[ZM] Boost server
AerianZ and 5 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
Fiecare boost dat trebuie sa apara mai jos in topic!!! Pentru fiecare boost dat jucatorul va primi 1k puncte pe server si sau daca daca 9 boosturi va primi vip o luna!!! Model de urmat !!! Nume: Data si ora: Siteul unde s-a dat boostul: Gtrs https://www.gametracker.rs/server_info/ Sau full server https://fullserver.su/ Tipul boostului:6 points -
6 points
6 points
6 points
6 points
6 points
6 points
6 points
6 points
[ZM] Custom Skins & Sounds
kingmorteza.77 and 5 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Salut! Incepand cu luna trecuta am implementat un sistem de skinuri pentru a rasplati persoanele care ajuta la dezvoltarea serverului prin donatii. Foarte important: NU SE PLATESTE SKINUL. Skinul se obtine daca donezi, dar nu platesti skinul. De exemplu Poti sa iei VIP pe 30 zile pentru 4 playeri in aceeasi luna si vei beneficia de SKIN Poti sa-ti cumperi Admin / Admin + VIP sau/si Puncte pe server, iar daca depasesti suma de 20e primesti Skin lvl 1, daca depasesti suma de 40e primesti Skin lvl 2 Asadar, avem posiblitatea de a oferi: SUNETE LA CONECTARE La conectarea pe server putem seta sa se auda un sunet custom la alegerea cumparatorului. Sunetul va trebui trimis de voi, in format mp3, mai scurt de 10-12s iar acesta nu trebuie sa contina sunete obscene, limbaj licentios sau sa aduca injurii de orice fel unei categorii de persoane. Pretul: 5e/ luna sau 15e/ permanent SKINURI Skin Level 1 - caracter feminin anime, valabil 30 zile. Oferit persoanelor care doneaza peste 20e/ lunar. Skin Level 2 - caracter feminin cu aripi, valabil 30 zile. Oferit persoanelor care doneaza peste 40e/ lunar. Skin custom - poate fi orice skin ales de tine, insa am nevoie de model nu doar de o poza. VIP SKIN - este inclus in pachetul de VIP6 points -
6 points
6 points
6 points
[ZM] Campanie admine free!!!! [Redeschisa]
KeepItSimple and 5 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Accepted.6 points -
[ZM] Campanie admine free!!!! [Redeschisa]
KeepItSimple and 5 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Send me nick, pass and tag with private message or discord (discord down in signature)6 points -
[ZM] Campanie admine free!!!! [Redeschisa]
KeepItSimple and 5 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
Trimitei numele, parola si tag (daca vrei) lui demySek6 points -
6 points
6 points
[ZM] Donatii
demySek @ WCS and 5 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
Nume: PainzZ Data: 12.09 Metoda: Transfer bancar Suma: 10e A primit VIP6 points -
[ZM] Donatii
demySek @ WCS and 5 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
Nume: ImFantezieeee Data: 12.09 Metoda: Paysafe catre abc Suma: 10e A primit vip o luna!!6 points -
[ZM] [Model] Cerere Tag # RO
MSavu22 and 5 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
*Titlul topicului trebuie sa fie "Cerere tag nume" *Respecta modelul topicului si titlul, in caz contrar, cererea va fi refuzata. ¤ Nickname: ¤ Tag dorit: ¤ Ai citit regulamentul?: Cerinte Minim 15 ore Regulament citit si respectat Tagul se poate schimba odata la 2 saptamani6 points -
marius898 and 5 others reacted to MrTeemo @ WCS for a topic
Echipa ZM.CSTRIKE.RO anunta deschiderea oficiala pe data de 16.08.2022 Anuntam oficial deschiderea serverului ZM.WESTCSTRIKE.RO in data de 16.08.2022 O scurta descriere a serverul se va regasi mai jos. Server mod zombie clasic 6.2 cu mici modificari. Sistem points in care se vor regasi urmatoarele: 1: Double damage 2: 100 Ammo 3: 200 Ammo 4: 300 Ammo 5: Buy vip (30 de zile) 6: Armagedon Mode 7: Samurai Mode 8: Hybrid Mode 9: Bombardier Mode Server optimizat si modificat incat sa fie mult mai usor de jucat pentru jucatori. Server optimizat pentru jucatori free cat si pentru ceI cu vip. CU ACESTEA FIIND SPUSE VA ASTEPTAM IN NUMAR CAT MAI MARE!!!! ECHIPA ZM.WESTCSTRIKE VA ASTEAPTA IN NUMAR CAT MAI MARE!!!6 points -
5 points
5 points
[ZM] Boost server
Angelo18 and 4 others reacted to demySek @ WCS for a topic
Nume: demySek Data si ora: 24.09.2022 19.20 Siteul unde s-a dat boostul: gtrs Tipul boostului: GTC5 points