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    • [EN] English Your Nick : Who do you report? : Reason : Evidence : - [RO] Nick-ul tau : Nick-ul admin-ului : Motiv : Dovada :
    • [EN] Model Request Unban Your nickname : Your IP: Admin's nickname that banned you : Reason : Evidence : -   [RO] Model Cerere Unban Nick-ul tau : Nick-ul admin-ului : Motiv : Dovada :
    • [RO] Romanian CERINȚE: - Să nu aveți admin pe alte servere indiferent de mod - seriozitate, maturitate și un comportament civilizat pe server/forum/discord - un limbaj exemplar pe server. Să nu fi primit ban pentru limbaj sau gag-uri repetate - respectarea regulamentului - să aveți petrecute minim 20 de ore pe server în momentul postării cererii [!] Faceți cerere doar dacă îndepliniți condițiile cerute mai sus! ASPECTE IMPORTANTE: Gradul oferit în urma acceptării cererii va fi cel de HELPER cu posibilitatea de avansare pe fiecare data de 1 a fiecarei luni in urma urmaririi bilantului lunar al activitatii adminilor. Dacă ai făcut o cerere şi a fost respinsă mai poţi face una peste minim 3 zile . Orice altă cerere făcută la mai puţin de 3 zile va fi automat respinsă, iar topicul închis. MODEL CERERE ADMIN : Nickname:: SteamID: Ore jucate ( click ): Adresa de contact (Steam, Facebook, Discord, etc.): Ai citit regulamentul? : Poti intra pe discord?: De ce ZP.WESTCSTRIKE.RO? :   [EN] English REQUIREMENTS: - Do not have admin on other servers - seriousness, maturity and a civilized behavior on the server/forum/discord - an exemplary language on the server. Not to have been banned for language or repeated gags - compliance with the regulation - you must have spent at least 20 hours on the server at the time of posting the request [!] Apply only if you meet the conditions required above! IMPORTANT ASPECTS: The degree offered after accepting the application will be that of HELPER with the possibility of advancement on the 1st of every month following the monitoring of the monthly balance of the admins' activity. If you made a request and it was rejected, you can make another one in at least 3 days. Any other request made less than 3 days will be automatically rejected and the topic closed. ADMIN REQUEST MODEL: Nickname:: SteamID: Hours played (click😞 Contact address (Steam, Facebook, Discord, etc.): Did you read the rules? : Can you join discord?: Why ZP.WESTCSTRIKE.RO? :
    • Gold Member Benefits VIP tag in scoreboard (TAB) Double Damage [💥] 250 Health [❤️] 3 JUMPS Zombie Tesla (Energy Ball), OP Ability Stuns Player and throw's weapon. VipMenu with Weapons/Armor and knife [🪓] 100 Armor [🦾] VIP Skin Limit of money -> 200K Feeling like a boss 😆 Prices: 1 Month = 30 Days - 8 Euros 2 Month = 60 Days - 15 Euros 3 Months = 90 Days - 20 Euros Pentru a cumpara vip contactati ne pe serverul de discord: click For purchasing contact join discord server : click
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