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Titlul trebuie sa fie [ZP] Propunere (nume) Nick: Propunerea dvs: The title must be [ZP] Proposal (name) Nick: Your proposal:
Titlul trebuie sa fie [ZP] Banlist (nume admin) Nick jucator: IP: SteamID: Data si ora: Motiv: Dovada: The title must be [ZP] Banlist (admin name) Player Nick: IP: SteamID: Date and time: Reason: Proof:
Titlul trebuie sa fie [ZP] Reclamatie (nume admin) Nume reclamant: Nume admin reclamat: Motiv: Durata Ban (Daca este cazul): Dovada(video/poza/demo): The title must be [ZP] Complaint (admin name) Complainant Name: Claimed admin name: Reason: Ban Duration (If applicable): Proof (video/picture/demo):
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