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¤ Nick: AlexDavid ¤ Age:17 ¤ City: Galati ¤ Occupation: Student ¤ Steam/Discord: alexdavid.a ¤ Do you use teamspeak? No, but if I am required to use the application I will ¤ Hours Played: On the old server i had somewhere between 7-12 ¤ Activity range: 15:00 - 22:00 ¤ Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have read the rules
By AltairDragon · Posted
╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ✅ LINK 1. → https://topg.org/cs-servers/server-667773 ✅ TeamSpeak3 1. → https://ts3index.com/?page=server&id=296145 ✅ TeamSpeak3 2. → https://topg.org/ts3-servers/server-667698 ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
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