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★ Name: Darivoje ★ IP: ★ SteamID:STEAM_2:0:553006259 ★ Timp:0 ★ Motiv:drop.ss ★ Dovada "print in colsola sau demo":https://postimg.cc/3kRg7J5p
greeting cojoooo my name is amrooooooo i got ban few minutes ago by you, because i could not find the screenshots to send them. luckily i found them & i upload them to the link: de_dust20004.bmp Thanks this is my ban message: ************************************************ Ban Information Name: amroooooooooooooooo IP: Reason: ss.on.forum Unban Time: Permanent Ban Admin Name: cojoooo Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1276735 If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information to our website: www.westcstrike.ro *************************************
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