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Sorry but i read the rules this time ¤ Nick: KING MHD ¤ Age: 25 ¤ Languages spoken: englain romania ¤ Your location: Algerien ¤ Experience as admin: helping play with something they dont understand and halping other admins modify and contribute to buiding the server more and you must respect ¤ Join Discord Group (Mandatory): https://discord.com/invite/xT8NEYtumG ¤ Do you use Teamspeak3?: yes ¤ Activity schedule: every day ¤ Hours played (click here 62.05 ¤ Did you read the rules: yes i have read the rules qnd they must be followed ¤ Vote the community TeamSpeak server: Apasa aici pentru a vota ok ¤ Reply to the topic below with the vote number: https://ts3index.com/server/296145#vote 6
By KILLER xdd · Posted
¤ Nick: xKillerxx! ¤ Age:25 ¤ City:MOROCO ¤ Occupation:blacksmith ¤ Steam/Discord:yes ¤ Do you use teamspeak? sometimes ¤ Hours Played: 4-5 in days ¤ Activity range:all days just morning works ¤ Have you read the rules?: yes
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